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Notre Vue

"Vino"yasa Yoga & Wine with ParkPoint Health

Date: Sun, Apr 24, 2022
Time 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM
Venue: Notre Vue Estate
Contact: Dawn Justice
Email: dawnjusticephoto@comcast.net

Nothing refreshes the spirit and gets your body flowing quite like yoga and nature.  Join Parkpoint Health Club Yoga Instructor Dawn Justice, as she guides you through revitalizing movements and stances.  Enjoy the stunning vistas of our Estate, followed by a complimentary tasting and preferential pricing on our Notre Vue Estate and Balverne wines by the glass and by the bottle. Arrive by 8 am and then enjoy a wine tasting starting at 10 am.

RSVP or questions please contact Dawn Justice at dawnjusticephoto@comcast.net

Sonoma County Health Dept COVID Guidelines are being followed at Notre Vue Estate

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